The Pin 1 Problem
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The purpose of this page is to share information about what is known or more accurately "UNKNOWN" as a PIN 1 PROBLEM in the audio industry. The term "Pin 1 Problems" was first coined by Mr. Neil Muncy in his June 1995 paper Noise Susceptability in Analog and Digital Signal Processing Systems.
You might be surprised to find out that all that humming, buzzing, and noise coming out of your PA & monitor system is being caused by poorly designed gear! In many cases, there isn't anything you can do besides replace the offending gear with well designed gear.
Related Links:
Jensen paper on How to build a "Hummer" to test for a Pin 1 Problem
Tony Waldron's (of CADAC) & Keith Armstrong's article on correct shield bonding
Henry Ott's technical articles on EMC,EMI, proper grounding, etc...
Bill Whitlock's - AES 05 "An Overview of Audio System Grounding & Shielding"
If you have any corrections or comments regarding the information presented on this site, email